If you are facing a debt crisis because of loans you took out to start up or operate your business in Texas, call Texas Debt Defense for help. We are a true debt reduction and debt elimination law firm. Our litigation attorney is licensed to try cases in courtrooms throughout Texas. That puts us in a unique position of having the law on our side when working out a solution to your business debt problem. We have an in-depth knowledge of consumer lending laws. We aggressively pursue strategies to help business owners lower their corporate debt, protect their personal finances from business creditors and even eliminate debt altogether.
You need your business equipment and employees to remain in business. If you are being threatened with repossession, your success is on the line. We can often help find alternatives that will keep you in business, and keep the bankers off your doorstep.
Call us to schedule a free consultation about your business debt circumstances. We will explain your options and help you find a clear path to reducing or eliminating your debt — without bankruptcy or a costly debt consolidation plan.
From offices in Houston, Austin and Dallas, our lawyers provide debt defense services for business owners in communities throughout Texas. Call us toll free at 832-501-0966 or contact our office by email to arrange a free initial consultation with a Houston business loan attorney at Texas Debt Defense today.