Have you received a phone call or letter threatening you with wage garnishment unless you make arrangements with the bank or credit card company? Garnishment is a very specific legal action that requires a court judgment. In many cases, credit card companies and debt collection agencies use the threat of garnishment, liens and judgments illegally.
If you are a Texas resident facing a garnishment action against you, make your first call to Texas Debt Defense. We are your debt defense solution. We have many years of experience fighting on behalf of people just like you. We are not a debt consolidation company or a bankruptcy law firm. We are a litigation firm with licensed attorneys, ready to pursue litigation in court to make your creditors respect your rights under state regulations and the federal Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA).
We are your complete debt reduction and debt elimination law firm. Call us to learn more about ways we can help:
If you just can’t stand the pressure of heavy debt anymore, isn’t it time to talk to a legal professional who can use the courts to help you do something about it?