As if it is not bad enough that they continue to harass you through phone calls and letters, now your creditors are threatening to repossess items such as your car. If you are sick and tired of running from creditor calls and facing the repossession of your assets, you need an experienced lawyer looking out for your interests.
At Texas Debt Defense in Houston, we have a proven track record of helping our clients throughout Texas avoid repossession and eliminate their debts. Whether you are struggling with credit card debt or trying to get back on your feet after a medical emergency, we will not judge you. We are here to help.
We are led by debt attorney Finis Cowan, a skilled negotiator who will not hesitate to take creditors to court when they are breaking the law or failing to offer a fair settlement to our clients. In fact, we’ve completely eliminated interest and reduced principal for over 95 percent of our clients, including those who are faced with the prospect of repossession. This is accomplished without bankruptcy and without debt consolidation.