About Texas Debt Defense

Texas Debt Defense

What Makes Us Different?

Every time you turn on the television or listen to the radio, you hear another commercial for a lawyer or business that tells you they have the answer to your debt problems. What makes Texas Debt Defense different?

The answer is simple:

  • We are not a bankruptcy law firm.
  • We are not a debt consolidation company.
  • We don’t work for the credit card companies.
  • We are local.

With our experienced Texas debt settlement professionals on your side, you will have a trusted advocate helping you through every stage of the debt relief process. Our proven legal strategies have helped thousands of Texans change their lives forever, and rescued them from debt and an endless cycle of creditor harassment. In fact, we’ve completely eliminated interest and reduced principal for over 95 percent of our clients and often eliminated the entire debt — without bankruptcy and without debt consolidation.

At Texas Debt Defense, we care deeply about the people we serve. We understand that debt problems can be stressful and overwhelming at times. We work diligently to help clients through difficult times and provide the support they require.

Get Help, Not Judgment

With the recent downturn in the economy, millions of people have fallen on hard times. At Texas Debt Defense, we understand that a job layoff, divorce, injury, illness or other challenge beyond your control may have led to your current debt problems. At our firm, you will never find judgment. What you will find instead is a dedicated team of professionals working to help you find a better path to a brighter financial future.

We Fight For You

Don’t waste time with some national debt company. Many of the national debt companies are working for the credit card companies. Texas Debt Defense fights credit card companies. In fact, we help clients fight all kinds of debts, including:

  • Credit card debt
  • Auto loans
  • Boat loans
  • Bank loans
  • Medical debts

Contact Our Houston Debt Defense Law Firm | Statewide Representation

We have set up a special phone line to take your calls day or night. Call 832-501-0966 to schedule a free consultation with attorney Finis Cowan today. For online assistance, contact us by email.


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    2. Has a debt collection done any of the following:

    We respect your privacy. The information you provide will be used to answer your question or to schedule an appointment if requested.

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