A personal line of credit can be a financial life saver. Because the amounts taken out against the line of credit are typically large and unsecured, repayment can become difficult, particularly if there is a job loss or other financial problem crops up in the family.
If you are a resident of Texas and are facing a debt problem because of borrowing against a personal line of credit, schedule a free consultation at Texas Debt Defense. We have multiple office locations in major metro areas to serve you better. We are not a bankruptcy or debt consolidation company. We are a true debt settlement and collections defense law firm. We use the power of litigation to help our clients avoid legal actions threatened against them by banks seeking repayment of personal lines of credit. Our debt settlement and collections defense attorneys have helped hundreds of individuals, families and business owners protect themselves from judgments, garnishments, liens and other collections actions. We are confident we can help you.
From offices in Houston, Austin and Dallas, our lawyers provide debt defense services for individuals, families and business owners in communities throughout Texas. Call us toll free at 888-392-8121 or contact our office by email to arrange a free initial consultation with a Houston attorney for personal lines of credit at Texas Debt Defense today.