Credit card companies, banks, debt buyers, and collection firms in Texas are regulated by the federal Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA). According to the law, there are restrictions on the type of threat that debt collectors can use and on the actions they can take to persuade a debtor to make payments on time or pay the amount owed.
Debt collectors cannot:
Learn more about our collection defense litigation services on the following informational pages:
If you live in Texas and have experienced any type of harassing behavior by a creditor or authorized collection firm, call Texas Debt Defense to discuss our Texas collection defense services. We are a team of experienced attorneys with in-depth knowledge of debt collection laws. Thanks to our successful litigation record, you will have the advantage of having the law on your side to stop illegal debt collection activities. We regularly take credit card companies, collection firms, and debt buyers to court, where we have an excellent track record of success.
Located in our Houston, Austin, and Dallas offices, our attorneys provide debtor defense services for individuals, families, and business owners in communities throughout Texas. Call us toll free at 832-501-0966 or
contact our firm by email to schedule a free initial consultation with a Houston collection defense attorney at Texas Debt Defense today.